Tuesday, August 7, 2007


Yeah, I’ve been on the internet a bit.. due to rains from the monsoon, it makes it harder to trek around..and also, it’s nice keeping in touch with friends.

I am traveling alone…and sometimes chatting online with friends, keeps me in a happy state of mind.

I enjoy traveling alone, but this is at the longest stretch, for over 5 weeks…and that is quite a challenge..

I’m not complaining.
Being out of my ‘comfort zone’ I’ve met some fantastic people.

For example, at a Lhasa restaurant (awesome food, great veggie momos) called Snowland (packed every night), I entered, it was full. So I waited and 2 men came in and waited for a table behind me.

One 4 person table opened, I told them I was a party of 3, and they joined me.
Gosh we had stories to share…travelers are a different breed…exchanging different experiences, places to visit, and just funny tidbits.

These 2 gentlemen were from France…they told me stories galore, and kept the night young. They have sold me on a future destination of Namibia.

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