I'm off on another adventure a completely different environment, region of the earth than the previous 6 weeks of travel which focused on Asia...and this time, i'm bringing my best friends on earth--my entire family!
We are going to the Galapagos Islands, off the coast of Ecuador in South America... My family has never been, but I had the fortunate opportunity to go 5 years ago with a dear cousin of was one of the most memorable places in the world for me...for my pictures from that fantastic voyage, click HERE.
I had learned about the Galapagos as a kid during science class at know, the entire Charles Darwin, 'theory of evolution', 'origin of the species' discussion...and I was captivated...for around 14 years after that...I began to save up money, which culminated in my 2002 Birthday trip where I was swimming besides the giant turtles as a celebration to my birthday.
We will be staying on a boat for the entire length of the trip, and will be going to different islands everyday, hiking, swimming, relaxing, and enjoying nature... i'm sure it has changed in the 5 years since I went (and likely not for the better... more tourism, not as environmentally friendly, etc...)...
Since i'll be on a boat for that time, I will likley not have the opportunity to update the blog at all..since there is no internet.... i'll be sure to take tons of pictures, video, and take in as much as possible..
I'm happy to be going to my most favorite place on earth with my most favorite people..
Be well!
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