Friday, July 6, 2007

Crunch Time.

I'm in the middle of living in a library, and counting down hours/days till my Board Exam...

Radiation Oncology has 4 sets of exams (the most boarded specialty out there... yeah, I know...why?!?!?).

2 were taken last July--Physics and Cancer Biology
1 is being taken next week--Clinical Oncology
1 will be taken in Louisville, Kentucky next June--Oral Boards.

Then you recertify with an exam every 10 years.

It's a neverending story.
Come along for the ride.
Or at least send good thoughts/wishes/hugs/smiles this way.

Studying away like MAD.
With intermittent 10 minute email/internet browsing breaks.


Anonymous said...

Good luck! Too bad there's no party in Chi-town this year :(

Anonymous said...

Sending LOTS a Love and Light and warm wished and good energy your way.
You will do well.

Sondra from Leroy's site

Anonymous said...

thank you!!!

ds: i know.. no party in chicago..but last year was brilliant no? it was a once in a lifetime event!