Thursday, August 2, 2007


Prayer Flags
Boudinath Stupa
Lights of Prayer
Goddess Kumari's Home


Anonymous said...

Krupali: CONGRATULATIONS!!!! on the big, big goal of passing the board certification exam!

What an amazing year for you, all these goals being reached. I love your pictures, especially the prayer lights. Isn't it comforting to know how many people are praying all over the world?

Thanks for the answer to my 'dancing with the monk' question. I think he probably thought your were pretty fun & cute. :-)
I find that our Christian monks 'dance' more than one would expect them to. The ones I know live in the Benedictine monastery outside Atlanta. They are fun-loving and spirited, and deeply happy guys. And full of prayer for all the world. Quite a nobel goal: to live one's life in prayer for others.

Continue to enjoy your travels. Sounds like you having some GREAT experiences!!! Sandra

Anonymous said...

you mad nomad