Tuesday, August 7, 2007

Tibetan Fries

Outside from my hotel... a woman was making fries.. cutting them up using a pseudo knife like thing... dumping into a pot of water... the frying it up..

The smell was too good to give up...

I dove right in.
Cost: 1 Yuan (15 US cents).
She sprinkled salt, pepper, and mixed in this spicy chili sauce that made my mouth turn to fire...

It was fantastic.
It was lunch and a snack for 2 days.

The day I came back from horseriding I was exhausted, and all I craved were her fries... alas, she was closed for the night.

I went to bed eating a granola bar instead.
Damn..those fries were fantastic.

My street food from Tibet ;)

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

make sure you get the recipe...!